My friend Betsy went on a Paleo eating plan over a year ago and along with her intense exercise program at CrossFit, lost a lot of weight. She doesn't eat the plan all the time anymore, but she is going on a 30-dayChange plan, similar to the Paleo and asked me if I wanted to do it with her.
Well, of course my first response was no. It means eliminating sugar, processed food, grains, legumes, dairy and white potatoes. Basically you eat meat, fish, eggs, tons of vegetables, some fruit and some healthier fats. And while I pretty much eat this way for breakfast and lunch most days anyways, I have issues with extreme plans. I want to be healthy, but I want to balance health with enjoyment. And I enjoy food. However, I have this once in a lifetime event coming up, and I really want to look and feel good for it, so what could 30 days hurt? But having to plan a healthy dinner each night, in the midst of work, working out, homework, being with Pat, wedding planning and whatever else comes up overwhelmed me.
Then I found a website that had a listing of 30 Paleo Crockpot recipes! And now I'm coming around to this 30 day plan.
As practice, this weekend I made Boeuf Bourguignon, kale chips and instead of mashed pototoes- mashed cauliflower.
These are kale chips. Kale mixed with a bit of olive oil, chili powder and salt, baked in the oven. A crispy snack that is healthy. No, it doesn't taste like a potato chip, but I didn't feel grease oozing out of my skin either.
I steamed the cauliflower before pureeing it with roasted garlic. Yes, I even roasted my first garlic clove.
Since Pat gets to wear a kilt instead of a wedding dress, he's not on the eating plan. Okay and maybe he stands at his job all day too. However, the food was easily transferrable to placing ontop of pasta.
This is the plan:
And here's where I'm gettting my recipies:
It's good to try new things, right? If I start Monday Feb 13th, I'll complete it on Tuesday, March 13th.