Wednesday, April 15, 2009

St. Patty's Weekend with Friends from the Ranch

To celebrate the Irish Holiday, we had three friends into town that we worked with on the ranch this summer. Anne-Marie came from Florida and picked up Jason from Mississippi along the way, while John joined us from Pittsburgh. It was so great to see all their faces again. We hit some downtown Irish establishments one night and then hung out at a condo that John's family friends had in town. One night we all prepared tapas, that tastiest, Pat's, is shown below. We caught up with each other and had fun playing catch phrase.

John and Jason are both going back to the ranch this summer and Anne-Marie is going back to Stanley to work at a local spa there. I'm a little jealous that they get to be in the Sawtooths again, but as Pat says, we can't recreate the same magical summer, let's keep our eyes open for a different adventure. It was great fun to see them all and I feel certain our paths will keep crossing.

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