Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 2nd-3rd Santa Fe

Sunday morning we stopped in Barnes and Noble to hook up to their internet and find our way out of Lubbock with the aim of reaching Santa Fe. 

hmmm... what's under that dome in Texas?

hmm.. what's in those silos?

Wahooo! New Mexico

No, we didn't stay here, I just liked the name of the motel


Arriving in Santa Fe was just amazing. I'll admit that I have wanted to visit the city ever since I was in high school and heard a song about it the lovely musical movie, Newsies (what? you haven't heard of it, well, you'll probably go on living). But let's be honest, most of the time when one dreams up visions of places (you'll note that I use the word dreams, not researches) to visit...they often don't live up to expectations, especially expectations which were begun in the highly imaginative, unrealistic, fantastical (perhaps slightly emotional) teenage phase. Santa Fe lived up and surpassed my vision. I was expecting some adobe buildings, but I didn't realize THE WHOLE TOWN WAS ADOBE! I tried not to cry excited teenage tears as we entered and began exploring this town. The buildings were amazing, the weather and sky were perfect, just the whole atmosphere, was what my picture was....but even prettier and it was real! (sure we didn't leave the tourist section of town, but let me keep my dream alive).

Usually I like to skip taking pictures of hotel rooms, because who wants to see another hotel room. But I have to say in Santa Fe, we splurged and it was worth it. The St. Francis Hotel was right near the main square and it was just one of the most sensory satisfying experiences I've had.
Gorgeously appointed, but in the most understated wood & metal manner. Heavy furniture that felt grounded. Soft lighting. Wide open spaces.

Front porch where guests were sipping cocktails when we arrived

And then the room itself....such handsome and clean lines. Windows that opened up, like I was in another century and was going to let down my long hair so I could be wooed by someone standing under it. (hmmm..glad those imaginative teenage years are over) The most perfectly weighted comforter. Plus, I think they crafted the sheets out of butter.

Historical pictures in upstairs hallway

We walked around until we found a rooftop patio.

Then we found the main square

This memorial reads "To the Heroes who have fallen in the various battles with XXXX Indians in the territory of New Mexico." We were very curious about the spot that had been rubbed out...what did it used to say and why was it edited?

Beautiful music

A courtyard patio

This "wrap" is wrapped in, yes, it was good, it's wrapped in cheese!

Golden beet salad. Why don't I have more golden beets in my cooking repertoire?

Just walking around the beautiful town

Chic & modern in places

After a good night of sleep...I splurged more and got room service- best beans and eggs I've ever had. 
(Yes, I think of this meal as I eat my pb&j sandwiches now to make up for it!)

The Basilica
At the time we didn't know this, but apparently Pat has a relative, Archbishop Gerken, who was appointed to this Basilica and is buried there.

This is the Miraculous Staircase. It was built with no supports and only using wooden pegs. 
Visit for more info

While we thought about staying another night, it was with a promise to come again that we left Santa Fe. I think New Orleans still comes in first for places that we want to revisit together...but I think a yoga or writing retreat in Santa Fe might get added to my bucket list.

New Mexico is beautiful.

Next state: Colorado

it's a bit greener than New Mexico

Decided to stop at Mesa Verde. We ate mexican food and crashed before we headed into the National Park the next morning.

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