Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bed & Breakfast

On a lark, Pat and I went to look at a Bed & Breakfast for sale in Marietta. It's on the other side of the river from downtown, way up on a hill with a gorgeous view. The first floor has several parlors, a family room and a kitchen. The second floor is four bedrooms and two baths. Top floor is the best, one big open loft lined with wood and a walk up to a widow's walk on top of the house.

I don't think we're quite ready for something of that size (or with that kind of utilities), but it was fun to see and dream!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Train Set

My grandfather is quite into trains. He had one whole set at his house. Then he had another out at the retirement community, which he sold off and now he is working on a bigger gauge train that he is still building the back ground for. Many of the scenes of the train are based on Ohio train history.

The quarry.

The wheel actually turns. It was created from a wedding cake pan. In real life it was turned by hand by the men that ran the train so the train could go back the other direction.

The tunnel has a doors on it because otherwise back in the olden days the cows would go in!

The logging yard.

Thanksgiving in Ohio

We had a great time on Thanksgiving with family. Here's a picture of Pat & I with my Mom and Dad, Grams & Grampy, and Marge & Lee.

Pat made homemade pumpkin pie with homemade vanilla and cinnamon ice cream. There was also turkey, yummy brussel sprouts with bacon, sweet potatoes, salad, homemade cranberry & orange sauce and Pat's gravy. Mom also made Derby pie and my favorite, nuts & bolts (chex mix with lots of worcestershire sauce).

Then Friday we went to Grams and Grampy's house for appetizers and then home again to watch the BSU game- what fun that was!

A brick along the river walk in honor of Miss Gracey (she is now 4 years old and nearly a woman!)

Miller, Ohio

We went up earlier than expected to Ohio in order to go to my Great-Aunt's funeral. I didn't know Sarah very well, but it was nice to be there with Dad and get to see a few distant relatives. We also went by the house where my dad grew up, where I went to visit my grandmother on his side.

Don't blink! The entrance and exit signs for Miller, Ohio are very close to each other!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Jason Came to Visit

Jason, from the ranch, came through Asheville for a night on his way to move from Mississippi to Baltimore. It was so much fun to hang out with him.

Pat played pool! I think that's best sign of healing yet! Although, the doctor also said this week that things were looking good and Pat had made quite a bit of progress since his last check-in.

Other than that, one of the roommates is moving out of our house -this came as a surprise, but in the long run I think it will be nice to have a little extra space and room to have guests. My job is going well. I won't lie, it's been an adjustment being back in the "real" world, but this week I felt like I actually contributed to getting a variety of things accomplished. Our organization is moving offices and I'm to help with coordinating some of the construction details on the revamp of the new office. There are approximately 14 people that have to decide every detail, so it takes a bit of finagling to push things through to getting finished...or at least to the next step. And this week I finally got to see a few small things, i.e. construction sign, cabinetry choices actually happen. I'm also learning a variety of accounting and human resource tasks, which I'm enjoying.

Oh, and it snowed today! We weren't expecting it at all, so it was a lovely surprise to wake up and see the white covered ground.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jazz for Justice

Pictures from the Jazz for Justice Gala for Pisgah Legal Service!
Welcome to all guys and dolls!

Pat & I

Mom, Dad, Lee & Marge

Mom & Dad

Rob, Betsy, Jessica, Marc, Mom & Dad, Marge & Lee, me & Pat!

Mom & Dad with Pat & I

Saturday, November 1, 2008


After a bit of car troubles, engine lights & dissappearing oil, we made it through Indiana, spent the night outside of Columbus, and then finally made it to Marietta! I think it was relaxing for both of us to be off the road for awhile. We toured around my parents' little river hometown of Marietta. We had a great dinner out with my parents and grandparents at the best (and some say the only good) restaurant in town, Brighter Day. It made me wish again that I didn't live so far away from them, but as soon as the technology advances a bit, we'll pull Boise, Marietta and Asheville all towards each other, which by my calculation would land us somewhere near Wichita.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Scout's Rest, North Plat, Nebraska

And a lovely rest it was. We stopped at Scout's Rest, Bill Cody's home when he was not on the road with the touring with his Wild West show, on Columbus Day, so it was closed, but walking around the quiet grounds was a very peaceful way to start the day!

Then we finally made it into Iowa and then Missouri!