Monday, May 24, 2010

Spring Food

We went to the Herb Festival and got tomato and jalapeno pepper plants as well as basil, thyme, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, lemon grass and oregano herbs for our yard and back deck. I immediately ripped up some of the basil and threw it on top of tomatoes and mozzarella. Pat tossed a little balsamic vinegar on top. Sorry it's a bit messy, I was in a hurry to taste.

Then I got a wild hair one Sunday morning and decided to try cooking a shrimp quiche out of Pat's French cookbook. (My friend Jenny left a dish at my house and I decided now that I'm 34 to follow southern etiquette and return the dish full).

Okay, I got a little help. (Who am I to set a pan of wine on fire? no, really, I wouldn't mind making a few changes to the house, but I'd prefer not to have to upgrade because I burnt it down.) I learned how to make mirepoix, which is really just a lovely smelling base of carrots, onions & herbs. Then I pounded, boiled with cream and strained the shrimp shells. I had no idea shells could provide so much flavor. Mixed that with eggs, the shrimp and five pounds of cream...bon appetit! It was really good, if I do say so myself (Pat agreed). Sure, anything with that much cream would probably be good, but it was very nicely flavored cream by the time we finished with it.

I'm not sure I'm quite ready to work my way through the cookbook, but I might try another recipe.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Well...these are actually from April. I've gotten a little behind, but what a wonderful spring it is!